As a energy healer, I look at sickness from multiple angles. Cancer has been a disease that scientist and medical professionals have been researching to find a cure. While they have made significant contributions in the area, there is more to learn and discover.
Check out a numerology analysis of cancer and some thoughts of additional things to help with the healing of cancer. Cancer numerically adds up to 26/8 (2+6=8). ​ This deals with issues of self-empowerment, recognition, and achievement. My Teacher, Jeffery V. Noble, shares with us that emotions buried alive never die. The more we bury an issue, whether it's a dream, an emotion, or a feeling, the more it wants to come to the surface. 26 indicates a need to be validated by others to release abandonment issues and anxieties. ​ Cancer can stem from carrying deep emotional hurt and long standing resentment, or could be some deep grief eating away at the person. ​ Advice for persons who may be fighting with cancer, would be to incorporate emotional healing and releasing of past emotions and hurts that don't serve your souls highest purpose. ​ Affirmations:
I deeply, lovingly, fully, gratefully release all negative emotions that don't serve my highest purpose. ​ I deeply and fully love and accept myself.